Commit to the 2025 Offering of Letters

Are you ready to join the Bread for the World members and advocates who have committed to hold an Offering of Letters (letter-writing event) in 2025? Fill out the information below to let us know!

Bread for the World staff will provide you with materials, inspiration, and support for a successful advocacy event. Combined with thousands of letters from across the country, your Offering of Letters will make a real impact in urging U.S. decision makers to protect and strengthen pro-family, life-affirming nutrition programs, so families can flourish and children can reach their full potential!

Yes, I will hold an Offering of Letters!

Tell us about the church, campus, or organization hosting the Offering of Letters.

By clicking the button you agree to receive emails from Bread for the World, including our email series designed to equip you to host your Offering of Letters. Unsubscribe at any time.